INTUITIVE PAINTING is an artistic practice that moves beyond traditional processes to include connecting to the subconscious through meditation and journeying in order to mine spiritual truths, symbols, and meaning. I focus on opening myself up to intuition so I can translate visual and spiritual messages to my painting.

What Others Are Saying About My Intuitive Readings And Paintings…


Oh my goodness!! This is simply amazing!!! The images are so beautiful and this message of S L O W I N G D O W N resonated so much with me…the last week I find myself racing from one thing to another and literally having to tell myself- BREATHE…slow down!!

The precious necklace!! Oh my!

I feel it now around my neck but also cradling the back of my heart! And the illustration you painted looks like an emerald which is what I once was shown represented my soul— so a heart soul! You have such a gift!!  I can’t wait to lay down tomorrow outside and to do some barefoot walking.

I’m deeply grateful for this painting/reading!!! 



I am so grateful for Jen’s healing intuitive painting and message of self-forgiveness. This was just the heart-infusing message I needed to move forward into more physical healing.

THE PROCESS: You tell me about a problem or situation you would like to be focused on. I journey with your question in mind. After my journey, I create an intuitive painting to represent the divination. I send you a write-up of my experience and a painting on 11 x 14 canvas.

The cost = $150.

Upon receiving payment, I will contact you. Include with your payment -“Intuitive painting” as well as your email address and name.

To receive a divination and intuitive painting click here: